On Reflection, It’s All in The Game.
Introducing the first Dual Reflect Tokens (DRTs) in the cryptoverse.
A quick intro to sister ships Falcon and Skylark
We have created two RFI style tokens and given them inseparable identities that play off each other in a gamified manner. Our USP is that one cannot be sold without buying the other, and visa versa.
We predict that a simple but effective pendulum motion will occur between our two tokens as the game grows, and players swap out for one, and buy the other, creating wild volatility as the two rockets race each other. We also predict that the teams will become zealous supporters of one or the other rockets creating strong rivalry.
There is much scope for strategy, from how you hodl, or damp — to how you socialise as a team. The game is versatile.
The scheduled supply burns are there as a virtual ‘save point’ and to reward the teams efforts. Rocket Moon GO is themed around a rocket race to “da moon” as a parody of what has come to thrill us, but we promise you, it’s a whole lot more that that.
Meme coin extravaganza is dominating BSC, but are they single use plastics?
Why do we put so much time into researching cloned RFI projects when they have few differences from one another and are ultimately disposable. After all, the tribe of hodlers is everything to these projects, they are the true value. For RFI clones it’s been too long now that the sales pitch has been toward the meme status (Safemoon, Ass, and now... Safermoon (holding all 3 #alpha #NFA)). We wanted to do something new, something that will bring the game back to experimenting with what a reflect token can be used for — utility shouldn’t be a dirty word in our space.
Our tagline is — “Using RFI utility to reimagine gaming on the blockchain”
‘Reflect tokenomics reimagined’ might sound lofty as not much has been changed with the individual token, but it’s the new direction of duality between tokens that is the reimagining. In fact we are sure that reimagining RFI tokenomics for gaming is a perfect avenue to explore utility, and is very likely the next big thing.
The ability to give actions to fee distribution gives RFI tokens high flexibility and adaptability. It is a mystery why tweaking them to interact with each other has not been utilised already. Through Rocket Moon GO we welcome a new class of RFI tokens we have dubbed Dual Reflect Tokens (DRTs).
Founding DRTs and the Rocket Moon GO ecosystem
I will save this for a future medium as there is much to explain but in brief… The work carried out by @RaceToMoon to prove the concept by @NoonyNoony lead to the development of DRTs and this lead to the development of Rocket Moon GO. In the first stage of our joint venture the project name was Pendulum; there was no game, no world and no direction — just a question and a title. The question was simply to ask what would happen if one token was given control over another. As soon as we discovered the uniqueness of the way the tokens interacted we knew we were onto some important work.
We have artists, musicians, designers and storytellers lined up to get involved with the project and help develop the Rocket Moon GO narrative world and ecosystem. We are driven to see it become the palpable and formidable force we aspire it to be. We are really excited to start revealing some more of the roadmap as things develop and to see the community adopt the game for their own — as only then we will see how it is truly to be played.
Website: https://www.rocketmoongo.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rocketmoongo
Telegram: https://t.me/rocketmoongo
Team Members:
@NoonyNoony is a UK based crypto enthusiast, investor and marketeer. With over 10 years experience in television advertising, online marketing and campaigning. He/She has worked on global product launches for high-street brands. Noony has a passion for building communities, sci-fi game design and story telling.
@RaceToMoon is a US based computer software engineer with more than 20 years experience. Has a vast knowledge of multiple programming languages and is an expert at architecting the solution. Loves coding more than ice cream. @RaceToMoon was selected for his/her reasoning and analytical skills on other projects.